More Issues

So far we have looked at a large number of problems related to the installation and the basic desktop. The list of problems found in those areas isn't complete. This section touches on a few more points about the installation and desktop, and takes a look at some of the more worrisome issues in Windows Vista.
Vista uses performance ratings to determine if it will enable the Aero interface. The performance rating of your PC can be re-checked from within the Control Panel. When the re-rating commences, a dialog box is displayed telling you that the operation might take some time. The dialog box has a Cancel button at the bottom right:
A reasonable person might conclude that clicking the Cancel button is a good way to cleanly stop the process from continuing; however Vista sees it differently. This is the result of cancelling the operation:
Click the image to enlarge it
Do all these mess-ups make you want to laugh or cry? It gets worse, you know...
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